Friday, February 19, 2010

My Uncles thoughts on animals

So my aunt and uncle come over, and my uncle keeps on talking about animals.
All evening, it kept on coming back to llamas...

"I walked out in the yard yesterday, and I see out cat. Just lying there. Dead. Frozen. It broke my heart to have to pick it up and bury it."

"I wouldn't eat a llama, but I would really have it as a pet."

"I was thinking about llamas. The first thing I thought was, 'it would be a heck of a job to bury that thing when it dies'"

"I'm not burring another cat, but llamas would be nice."

"Our dog ran away, he went to the people that gave him hamburger. I'm not taking him back, hes a traitor. But the other dog stayed. But who knows, when we move he might be gone for good. And when hes gone, I'm done with animals,"

Then dad says, "You say that until I talk you into taking one of the piglets,"

"No, I'd never take a pig... I'd take a llama though,"

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