An explanation:
Yesterday was the super bowl. Good enough excuse to forget about blogging.
There was actually a designated room for the "saints fans" at the place I watched it. It was actually more of a "Saints fan/no fair weather fans/no adults/everyone awesome" room.
We owned.
Anywho, its Ninja day!
"A ninja was a covert agent or mercenary of feudal Japan specializing in unorthodox arts of war. The functions of the ninja included espionage, sabotage, infiltration, and assassination, as well as open combat in certain situations. The ninja, with their underhanded tactics, were contrasted with the samurai, who were careful not to tarnish their reputable image.
Although shorter swords and daggers were used, the katana was probably the ninja's weapon of choice, and was sometimes carried on the back. The Katana had several uses beyond normal combat. In dark places, the scabbard could be extended out of the sword and used as a long probing device. The sword could also be laid against the wall, where the ninja could use the sword guard to gain an higher foothold. While straight swords were sued before the invention of the katana, the straight ninjato has no historical precedent.
A couple of days ago, I was feeling a little down with my current situation, (not being able to go to Percy Jackson at midnight, but it was soon cleared up) Amy wrote me a little one-page story all about... ME!
Me and my alter-ego superhero side, and all of my super awesome mega cool superhero friends. For a while now, I've had alter egos. I make them up according to my new talents (like when I pretended that I could yodel. that was a time I will never forget), my clothing, and my likes and dislikes.
It all started one day when me and Amy were working. I was bored, so I started talking about how I actually had an alter ego for everything! (last night I tried to tell my friend that I was actually a Ninja in disguise, because none of my evil villain enemies would suspect a little girl. What kind of ninja wants to have a little girl alter ego? boring! I told her I had a katana on my person, she didn't believe me. Her loss. She could have believed that she had a friend who was a ninja in hiding, who doesn't want that?) My first was my superhero self, Watermelon Woman, or Watermelonater, or Watermelon Michellon, or whatever name the moment called for. Then there was my super ninja self, Black Silence. Then, my French Zorro/batman ninja villian hero Laque Ilence. Then there was my Amazing Blue Haired One. Then Red neck ruby, and billy bob.
An excerpt from Amy's ingeniousness: "Once there was a girl named Michelle. She liked so many things that she couldn't eve get around to all of them if she talked about them for a month. But most of all, she liked to have fun. In fact, she liked having fun so much that she developed a superhero that she could turn into when she thought that people weren't having enough fun! She didn't have a name fore this alter ego or at least she never disclosed it, so people made up their own names for her. Usually they contained words like, "mega," "ultra," and "watermelon". Michelle's favorite deed as a superhero was to break into stuffy orphanages and liberate the children within. They would go out and go to the movies, or vandalize statues, or swim in rivers until the orphanage officials managed to round them all up. All the children loved Michelle because she sympathized with their plight."
"One day, Michelle was doing school (a pesky but essential part of her mild mannered civilian identity), when she decided that she missed her sister, who lived in France. Living in France must be pretty bleak, she thought. French people are all about romance and amore and nothing about fun, games, or adventure."
Amy gets a hundred Nice Points.
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