Thursday, February 4, 2010


Todays accomplishment: if I weren't doing No Facebook February, I would have been on there today, as my brains gruesomely seeped out of my ears. But I am doing No Facebook February, in the time that on any regular month I would have been on Facebook, I instead drew a mural on a big sheet of newsprint on the kitchen floor while I listened to the Wicked Soundtrack.

Amy painted too, but first she had to watch the second-to-last episode of the third season of Robin Hood and have a big emotional roller coaster and grumble about how everything was going wrong and how everyone was an idiot.

Every once and a while when I'm bored, I will sneak over Amy's shoulder when she is watching some random show on the lap top. I happened to sit down next to her on a very spoiler-filled episode of Robin Hood third season. I'm only on the first season. So I had nothing better to do so I was just watching over her shoulder, with no sound, and she said to me, "I'll tell you before there's a spoiler," Well, how could she do that, because shes never watched it before, so up stoles this spoiler (in black pleather, if you wanted to know), and Amy says to me, "Oh....whys he there???" While I scream at the top of my lungs and fall on the floor, dead, hitting my head and rolling around.

Why did I ever look over her shoulder? I'm never, never doing that again.

Anyway, today is tiger day.

Trivial answer! Tigers are one of the four "big cats", though lions are better known because of their amazing roar, tigers are the bigger and faster of the two.

They can be 3.3 meters long. 11 feet.



Give me a moment while I try to get over that.

Tigers just got ten times cooler. And bigger.

Ok well, there are a lot of cool pictures on wikipedia about Bengal tigers.

Thats all today, Kids, tomorrow I'll be back to tell you about SHARKS!



  1. Is it bad that Michelle's more educational to me than my school books?

    [might be the fact that I actually want to read what Michelle writes...huh.]

  2. That probably is bad, but I'm not going to complain.
