Monday, February 22, 2010

Family and dogs. The both rock.

Well, I'll tell you what, my family is pretty rocking awesome.
I have a sister that just got married, a sister who is pregnant, a brother whos wife is pregnant, a sister in France,
and some other siblings who do a lot of cool stuff that I can't think of.

Well, today I learned that Mark read Twilight so I didn't have to. I'm very VERY greatful. Thank you Mark.

Today I'm going to tell you about our dog. Our dog isn't much different than every other dog, except that shes our dog.

Shes a border collie and she is in love with everyone. Thats what I don't get. I'm a cat person, and I'm used to animals not loving you unless you love on them, and they usually still don't love you. They just kind of use you.

Because heres what I'm betting is going though our cats minds all the time, "Gosh, that lame guy stepped on my tail again, and now they won't empty my litter box. that little girl will not let me be and she keeps picking me up and throwing my in the air and freaking me out of my mind. I had to run away, but she knows my hiding places. I'm going to try to get her to pet me, now that shes has books on her lap. Ha!"

Heres what goes though our dogs mind, "Oh master master master! I'll follow you to the ends of the earth! You can throw me off a cliff-- Oh a stick, a stick, a stick! Will you play? Fetch? Fetch? Look, theres the girl! She pets my face. I like her. That lady gives me treats. Oh theres a new person! They smell weird. I like them, though."

Its so weird. I hardly ever see my dog, Rayn, and I saw her today and she ran up to me with a stick and her entire body was shaking from her tale wagging.

I threw the stick a couple of time, but I couldn't help feeling guilty.

And thats why I'm a cat person.

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